Economic Aspects of Globalisation – UO

About this course
The aim of the lecture is to introduce the various dimension of international economics: trade under imperfect competition; factor movements and trade (migration and free movement of capital), trade and the environnement
Expected learning outcomes
The student will know:
How trade occurs with scale economy; why industries agglomeration in a given region or city (Silicon Valley)
Trade models with monopolistic competition
The impact of migration for sending and receiving countries
How trade impact the environment
Indicative Syllabus
The aim of the lecture is to introduce the various dimension of international economics: trade under imperfect competition; factor movements and trade (migration and free movement of capital), trade and the environnement. The lecture is split into five chapters:
Introduction: Definition of Globalization
Chapter 1: External economies of scale and the international location of production
Chapter 2: New theories of international trade, with heterogenous firms Chapter 3: Globalization and labor market
Chapter 4: Foreign Direct Investment
Chapter 5: Globalization and the environment
FEENSTRA Robert C. and Alan M. TAYLOR: « International Economics », International Edition, Worth Publisher, 2017, 4th edition
GUILLOCHON Bernard and Annie Kawecki: « Économie internationale : commerce et macroéconomie » Dunod, 6ème édition, 2009 (GK)
KRUGMAN Paul, Maurice OBSTFELD and Marc MELITZ (Gunther CAPELLEBLANCARD and Matthieu CROZET): « International Economics: Theory & Policy », 2012, 9th edition, Pearson Education France (KOM)
Start date
End date
end of March
Apply before
beginning of February
Local course code
Year of study
Study load
20hrs 3 ECTS
Mode of delivery
Final Exam
Dr. Isabelle Rabaud
Course coordinator
Dr. Isabelle Rabaud