Graph Oriented Databases

About this course

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of graph databases, their applications, and their underlying technologies. The course covers topics such as graph database models, graph query languages, and graph data modeling techniques. Students will learn how to use graph databases and also gain hands-on experience working with popular graph database systems, such as Neo4j.

Expected learning outcomes

LO 1 – Understand the fundamental concepts and principles of graph databases

LO 2 – Design, implement, and manage graph databases for a variety of applications.

LO 3 – Evaluate the strengths and limitations of graph database systems

LO 4 – Apply graph data modeling techniques to develop efficient and effective graph database schemas

LO 5 – Write queries in Cypher to retrieve and manipulate data in a graph database

LO 6 – Analyze and interpret data from a graph database to solve real-world problems.


Indicative Syllabus

Course content (title per week)


Graph databases VS traditional relational databases

Use cases and applications of graph databases

Graph data structures and terminology.

Graph algorithms

Property Graph model

Cypher query language

Graph data modeling techniques

Graph schema design

Entity-relationship modeling in a graph database context

Introduction to Neo4J

Case study B

Neo4J tools

Teaching / Learning Methodology

Learning Materials: Lessons presentations, Moodle, Videoconference, Lab tools

Start date -


End date


Apply between



Local course code


Study load

 116 hours 4.5 ECTS


Dr. Bruno Oliveira

Mode of delivery

Group works, Oral presentation, Problem solving, Writtern test


Course coordinator

Dr. Bruno Oliveira

